The Inspiring Journey of Eunice Nwokeocha, a Cobbler Redefining Success Written by Ogaleye Mercy







Eunice Nwokeocha is not your everyday entrepreneur. Living with albinism, she has overcome numerous obstacles that go beyond the usual challenges of running a business. Albinism, a genetic condition that affects the production of melanin, has subjected Eunice to the difficulties of vision impairment, heightened skin cancer risks, and social exclusion. Yet, despite these barriers, Eunice has chosen not to let her condition define her limitations, but instead her resilience and talent.

Born and raised in Abuja, Eunice is a skilled unisex cobbler who has turned her passion for footwear into a thriving business. In a society that often stigmatizes people living with albinism, finding employment was a difficult journey for Eunice. The lack of understanding and awareness in Nigeria about albinism has made workplaces less accommodating, prompting her to take matters into her own hands. Rather than succumb to societal barriers, Eunice decided to build her own path by starting a business—a decision driven by both necessity and ambition.

In 2020, Eunice took a major step forward in her career by enrolling at the Footwear Academy in Aba, Abia State. Supported by a scholarship from the Niger Delta Youth Empowerment Programme, she honed her cobbling skills and emerged as a refined craftswoman. This experience not only equipped her with technical knowledge but also instilled in her the confidence to scale her business. With the support of her brother and an angel financier, Eunice acquired essential tools such as an industrial sewing machine, a lasting machine, and a filing machine, which are crucial for her craft.

Operating from a room in the three-bedroom apartment she shares with her brother and his family, Eunice has transformed her personal space into a productive workshop. Her footwear business has begun to gain traction, with customers appreciating the skill and passion she pours into every pair of shoes she creates. Yet, Eunice’s vision extends beyond personal success. She dreams of expanding her business to create employment opportunities for others facing similar challenges and hopes to provide training for aspiring cobblers.

Eunice has her eyes set on growing her business further. Her determination is not just about personal achievement; it is about making a broader impact, showing that people living with albinism can thrive in any industry with the right opportunities and support.

Eunice’s story is one of courage, resourcefulness, and relentless pursuit of her goals. In the face of adversity, she is not looking for pity but rather understanding, support, and a chance to prove her capability. She has broken through societal constraints and is now focused on building a legacy of empowerment, not just for herself, but for her community.

Eunice Nwokeocha is redefining success in the face of adversity, reminding us all that ability far outweighs appearance.

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